Monday, May 28, 2007

Dry bones

Suppose to be writing about reviving dry bones and so far have the following to share:

Bone Jokes

Whom did the skeleton invite to his party?-
Anyone he could dig up!

Who was the most famous skeleton detective?-
Sherlock Bones!

How do you make a skeleton laugh?-
Hit him in the funny bone!

What do you give a skeleton for Valentine's Day?-
Bone-Bones in a heart shaped box!

Who won the skeleton beauty contest?-
No body!

Why didn't the skeleton dance at the party?-
He had no body to dance with!

What do you call a skeleton who refuses to help the house?-
Lazy bones!

Why did the skeleton learn to ride a horse?-
He wanted to join the "bony express"!

How much does a truck full of bones weigh?-
A skel-e-ton!

Who was the most famous French skeleton-
Napoleon bone-apart!

What instruments do skeletons play?-

Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?-
He didn't have the guts

What did the skeleton say after he fell into the pond?-
"I'm soaked to the bone!"

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